I see that Kay has shared the news of the long awaited arrival of the puppies.
Did she mention that it was a hell of a lot of hard work? It took from midnight till dawn to get them all out. I was exhausted.
And you know, they look a lot like little black rats... so I've been a wee bit confused about what you're supposed to do with them.
They were pretty clear what they wanted though... seems that I am now the local milk bar.

I've had a bit of a rest now and something to eat and I'm starting to warm to the little tackers. They snuffle around a lot and are actually quite endearing.
I've been off my food since the big event and Kay has been working overtime to find something that I will eat.
She finally had a brainwave and rushed off to Macca's for a couple of cheeseburgers, hold the pickles. They were scrumptious and I ate them in a flash!
I also polished off a block of cheese and several arrowroot biscuits. So all in all, not doing too badly here.