My Fozzie has just started his own blog! He was always a clever boy.
He's had a very eventful start to his New Year - he's broken his leg, it's all bandaged up, the whole thing.
Poor pup - he can't run or play for weeks and weeks until his leg is better.
Go over and see his blog at
http://fozziefurbaby.blogspot.com. Make sure you leave him some consoling comments.

For us, we're back at work and trying to get back in shape. I'm going to start doing some trials at Open level in February.
Kay says we still have some work to do until we're ready, so we've been down at the park practicing.
We've also been jogging to get our fitness levels up - phew, on and on we go, past so many good smells.
Gracie is supposed to be learning how to stand up properly for a show dog - she isn't too impressed so far!

She has also been having her coat "stripped" - you know, the proper Airedale way. Also not so impressed.
I got my whole back done - they actually pull your hairs out!
Who thought that was a good idea, I wonder?
It's supposed to grow in looking really good - I'll keep you posted.