We were out in the country last weekend and stopped by this fun little spot.
It's the Sherwood Rd bridge over the Macleay River, just west of Kempsey.
Very interesting with all these smooth stones.
The water was lovely and cold - it sure was flowing briskly too.
But that didn't stop me. I did a lot of fetching of sticks.
Gracie wouldn't swim, she just paddled at the edges
- she's going to have to learn how to swim soon, to be a proper Airedale.
She would steal my sticks as soon as I brought them to shore.
What a pest!
And off she'd bolt...
Kay always says Gracie runs like a jackrabbit - look at the Airedale bunny.
Very pleased with herself here - that was a very good stick.
I went back to exploring the riverbanks... very interesting smells... could even be RATS!
...or something very like them.
It's the Sherwood Rd bridge over the Macleay River, just west of Kempsey.

- she's going to have to learn how to swim soon, to be a proper Airedale.

...or something very like them.