Here I am at my post - on duty - watching the empty spot across the road. I sit here for hours... waiting... just waiting... just in case HE should appear.
When HE does, I make an enormous racket and gallop up the hallway to let everyone know about it too. They are supposed to get up and quickly open the door so I can chase HIM, but they never seem to figure this bit out.
This is HE for whom I wait.

Once, when Neil was not paying enough attention, I raced out the gate and chased that devilish black critter clear around his apartment block! Ha, that was great.
There are quite a few other cats in this neighbourhood too. I have to be on full alert to spot them all as they loll about, thinking they own the place.
Here's the one just two doors down. He's oh so smug - doesn't realise how dangerous and dedicated us Airedales are. You just wait, cat... one day I might get lucky.

Kay makes me practice my heeling up and down past him and the others. She thinks I should stay focused on her! Not likely.
But she sometimes pivots around so quickly, that I don't notice. She's a bit tricky like that, so I do have to pay attention so as not to get a rude surprise.
She calls it distraction training and it truly does drive me to distraction.