OMG I love agility. I zoom around the courses...up the dog walk, through the tunnels (love the tunnels!), over the jumps, through the weave poles (okay, still not so great at weave poles). It is just so exciting - like an amusement park for dogs. We train at night, so it's nice and cool - but not so good for photos.

Those see-saws are a bit tricky though. Have you ever noticed how much they look like a dog walk?
I go barreling up what I think is a solid ramp and WHOOPS, it's the see-saw and it's moving and I'm moving and there is nothing for it but to launch off into space and hope for the best. Which I do.
Kay says this is not the best technique she's ever seen. She babbles things like "steady, steady", "slowly, slowly".... I'm an Airedale, those words are not in my vocabulary.
There's another Airedale at my agility club now! He's Ralph and he's an English dale that has come all the way out to Australia. It's always fun when there's more than one of us.

Look how much bigger he is than me! Mind you, nearly everyone is, I am somewhat on the petite side.
Ralph is in beginners, but hopefully he will be up with me in the big dog's class and we can show those Border Collies a thing or two.
(Well, maybe, they are incredibly fast and even more focused than me - hard to believe, but true).
Anyway, I recommend agility to all my blogger friends - it's such fun.