Well, Kay's finally back from her ten day buddhist retreat and I must say she's looking pretty calm. Gracie and I have been hanging out with Neil, taking it easy.
Gracie's coat had grown quite a lot in ten days, much to Kay's dismay. They are entered in their first show next weekend, so a lot of 'plucking' has been required. And more needed still.
Gracie doesn't know how to stand and stay like a proper show dog, so she has to do a lot of training. Kay read about this thing called stilt-training on the internet and thought we'd give it a go. The real stilts cost a lot to order, so we just used tins of beetroot stuck to a board.
Here's how they work.
Pretty neat, eh? After they can do this, it's supposed to transfer to doing it on the ground. Time will tell how well it works.
Monday FunDay
1 day ago