Tuesday, August 4, 2009

maternity leave

Here's a picture of me at work. I'm guarding things. This is at a very small house with no front yard, so I'm on the footpath.

I do get to do a lot socialising with all the folks that walk down the street. They pet me and say I'm gorgeous, etc, which is nice.

I also have to supervise to make sure the guys keep working and do things right. No slip shod work allowed around here.
This is a good part of the day... smoko. I'd already eaten mine while the humans were still unpacking theirs. That's Morgan and Anthony (in the red shirt).

I started working with Anthony from my very first day and it's been three years now - we're great mates. Hi Anthony!

I'll have to negotiate some maternity leave soon - this might be my last week at work for a while. I need to do some nesting and get a spot ready for these pups. I think under the house is my preference, but Neil has made a special box for the big event. I'm not so sure... we'll just have to see.


  1. Hey Rubes. So where did you used to work? Is this at home or did you used to go working with your Pinkies? Looks like a pretty relaxed atmosphere, sure you are going to miss everybody...

  2. This is working - we're carpenters and are renovating this house. I've been going to work everyday since I was a young pup. I will miss the guys, for sure.


  3. Don't over do it, Ruby! You and those baby 'dales need lots of rest!

  4. You don't want to have your pups under the house,Ruby! You need to be inside where the hoomans can wait on you hand and foot and cater to your ever need!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. Gosh Rubs, we didn't know you were a carpendog. That is very impressive. If my sissies were guarding the footpath, they'd be gone hehehe. You are very well behaved.


  6. Ruby just take it steady and enjoy all the pampering the hoomans offer you.

    We await news of all your puppies.

    Molly, Taffy and Monty
