Wednesday, December 2, 2009

working dogs

Gosh that Gracie is growing up fast. Kay was away for two weeks and Gracie must have grown two inches in that time. She is also very fluffy and has the biggest feet!
She has been going off to work with Neil and I every day and is adapting to the life of a first year carperter's apprentice quite well. First year apprentices just lie around a lot and chew bones - a bit similar to a third year apprentice like myself.
Here's me having a nice kip in the pile of old insulation. Very cosy, if a bit itchy.
When we're not working, we're playing. She is getting pretty quick - the camera could barely stop the action of her snapping jaws. Lucky I've got quick reactions or I could be in trouble with this young shark around.


  1. Gosh look at Gracie. She really is growing up.
    Hey, will you guys be at the Christmas party on Sunday. I Noah am going and Willow & Tess are coming to. Lucy has to stay home with our cousin Megan and Coral who is looking after the B&B while B & D take us to the party.
    We hope to see you there.

    Noah x

  2. Gracie is so cute. What a good helper you will train her to be! We miss hearing from you Ruby. Guess you've been busy with the pup!

    Smooches from pooches,'
    BabyRD and Hootie

  3. You two are so adorable, our pinkie says she wants to gazobble you both. She says, she has a lot of time for Airedales...
    Don't work too hard!!

  4. Hello Ruby,

    I am Miss Sunshade the SuperDALE. Nice to meet you!! Even tho I don't like stinkies (mum: stinkies = puppies) very much (because one came 3 years ago and changed my life forever), I have to admit that your Gracie is very adorable.

    You know, I also had a very fluffy coat too when I was little. Both of my parents had the proper standard Airedale coat like you and your bo Rompie. However, 7 out of 8 puppies in my litter had a special fluffy soft coat called the "Sheep coat" (dark ears, charcoal grey & cream coloured). My mum was told by the well known Aussie Airedale breeder Jane Harvey that its a recessive gene that Airedales sometimes carry. Breeders don't like that coat because it lacks the wiry texture as well as the vibrant black and tan colouring. However, mum LOVES my coat because it makes me look like a super fluffy teddy!

    STINKY (the stinky that came and changed my life 3 years ago) is my biological nephew. He is out of my brother who was the only one with the standard Airedale coat that my breeder kept. He has the proper black and tan Airedale coat like you and Rompie.

    I wonder if you will grow up having my coat?? Here are a few links to me as a baby between 3-4 months of age. Sorry that was 10 years ago, so we had to scan those Polaroid pictures.

    Pic 1 (,18,00.JPG)

    Pic 2 (

    Pic 3 (,23,00,3.JPG)

    Pic 4 (,23,00,2.JPG)

    ps. I also had HUGE feet compared to most Airedales, even ones who ended up way larger than me!

    Love nibbles,
    Miss Sunshade

  5. Ruby,
    Your Gracie is such a cutie pie! I love her fluffy coat!!

  6. Owh, Gracie is very cute!... and she has got big paws! You are both looking very serious about being carpenters apprentice in the first picture. Don't work too hard.
    Finni & Nelly xx
