Friday, August 19, 2011

it's my birthday!

Hi, it's Gracie here. Guess what? I'm turning two years old today!

Here I am with my mum... I'm only a few days old in this photo. Real puppy love!

I soon looked like this.

Then this (at my first show)

And then this when I was about a year old....

And now I'm as big as Ruby!

I am meeting up with Fozzie and Ringo tomorrow for a birthday party in the park... except it is forecast to be raining. I will post a picture of the three of us, if we manage to get one between the rain and the romping around.


  1. Happy Happy Barkday, Gracie!! We love your baby picture with your mum. What a pretty 2 year old girl you are now!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  2. Happy Birthday Gracie, hope you get loads of foodables.
    Have a great day
    See yea George xxx

  3. Happy birthday, Gracie! You are such a gorgeous girl! Our paws will be crossed that it doesn't rain on your park pawty!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. Gracie... Belated Birthday wishes!

    What a gorogous girlie you are!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  5. happy belated barkday Gracie girl. You are so beautiful! and a good puppy sitter!

  6. I am now following your blog. Your dale is so cute! My two dale's aren't great at obedience and surely wouldn't win any titles, but they are experts at eating....LOL!

    After watching your video, I wanted another airedale pup. My girls are eight and nine years old. So I miss the pup in them. They were good puppy's, but oh so rascally!
